“I’ll never forget the day Ready for Life introduced me to my mentor.”
By Sandra G

Sitting here thinking about what to write, say, or where to even begin. When I first came to Ready for Life I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was going to be just another program with people who didn't really care or understand us. When I tell you I was wrong. Not only did I gain a strong support team, but I also gained sisters and brothers, people I didn't have to hide from them or my pain.
I'll never forget the day Ready For Life introduced me to my mentor. At first I wasn't going to go, I'm an introvert. I don't like to be in large groups, but I went. Best decision of my life. When RFL introduced us they said that we would be a great match. and they were right. They brought me an Angel and didn't even know it. Not only was Linda my mentor, but is/was my mama bear, my best friend, most importantly my #1 fan. To some it might seem like a lot, but to her she made it seem like it was nothing. She helped me set goals and made sure I accomplished them. She pushed me in so many ways, sometimes I thought she had more faith in me than I had in myself.
Because of my mentor, I learned how to drive and obtain my driver's license, and she didn't stop there, she took me in when she didn't have to, and her family welcomed me like I was one of their own. She showed me what a family is like, from teaching me how to save and budget, to helping me with my self-esteem, she would tell me I was beautiful, and that I was worthy even when I didn't feel it. Let’s not forget she pushed me to further my education and career. I went from Resident aid, Med Tech, CNA and now I am currently attending Kaiser University for my RN. To some people that might not seem like much of an accomplishment or big goal, but to me that's a lot.
If you asked me five or even 10 years ago what or where I see myself, I couldn't tell you before I felt so rotten, I tried to help nurture everyone around me, but no one cared to help nurture me. I didn't feel like I had a real purpose. I'm so thankful for Ready for Life and my mentor. Not only have I found my purpose but every day I'm blooming beautifully.
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