Jalil's Drive for Success
With over 10,000 miles under his belt, Jalil's journey from seeking assistance for his driver's license to now driving for May Trucking demonstrates his resilience and determination in overcoming setbacks, and he encourages other young adults to pursue rewarding careers. In his own words:
So, I’ve been on the road for a while now and have over 10k miles under my belt. To start from the beginning: My name is Jalil Henderson Ward, and I drive trucks. I asked Ready for Life’s Youth Specialist, Nathan Johnson, to help me use his car to get my driver’s license. After that, I had to wait a while to get my CDL or get into a truck driving school because of my past driving record. It took a little over a year to finally get into Road Masters. It was a long 7 weeks for me; I lost my car, was homeless, and wasn’t working at the time, to be honest. I was about to go back to my job and quit Truck Driving School, but I had a goal. I had to go through the rough times—I failed my test, I also failed my state test—but I didn’t give up. I stuck with it and was able to graduate and receive my CDL. I now work for May, a truck company. I’ve mostly been driving in the West Coast states, but I’ve finally come back to show what I accomplished by bringing my truck to the RFL Office. In 5 years, I should be running Semi Bros with about 15-20 trucks and closing my first deal on getting a cargo ship. I wanted to share my experience and hope to show other RFL Youth that this is a great career path. If I could do it, so can they.
Read more about Jalil's journey here https://www.readyforlifepinellas.org/single-post/jalilmar23