National Exchange Club Parent Aide Program at Ready for Life's Child Abuse Prevention Center
Ready for Life is an official Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Center licensed by National Exchange Club. As a CAP Center, Ready for Life implements the organization’s most significant and successful method of countering child abuse: working directly with at-risk parents through its signature program, the Exchange Parent Aide home visitation model.
Exchange Parent Aide Program
The Parent Aide program is the signature program of Exchange Club agencies and provides families with 6 – 12 months of in-home parent education and case management on a free and voluntary basis to all participants.
To ensure compliance and current practices associated with the model, Exchange provides training, accreditation, technical support, development and management guidance, and other supportive services to sites utilizing the Exchange Parent Aide program.
What is a Parent Aide?
Parent Aides are trained, professionally supervised individuals (paid and volunteer) who provide supportive and educational, in-home services to families at-risk of child abuse and neglect.
Exchange Parent Aides act as mentors and provide intensive support, information, and modeling of effective parenting — all in the home of the family. Parent Aides facilitate lessons based off of National Exchange Club Program Areas such as child safety, social support, parenting skills, and problem solving.
Our Mission
The goal of Parent Aide is to help families stay strong and together while reducing the risk of further intervention by child welfare. Parent Aide brings professionally trained personnel into the homes of families to assist parents learn effective skills for nonviolent, nurturing parenting.
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Through coordination with a nationwide network of community-based Exchange Club Centers for the Prevention of Child Abuse, the program has helped more than 691,120 families break the cycle of violence, thus creating safer homes for more than 1,727,800 children.
The Exchange Parent Aide program has been replicated since 1979, in more than 80 communities throughout 28 states and in Puerto Rico. It is utilized in rural, urban, and suburban areas, serving diverse populations in a culturally-responsive manner. Additionally, a recent randomized controlled study indicates significant impact through reduced maternal stress, maternal depression, and maternal anxiety; increased parental mastery; and reduced psychological aggression and physical assault toward children.

Parent Aide
Please complete the form to refer a family to the Parent Aide Program.
Interested in becoming a Parent Aide?
YOU can help us break the cycle of child abuse.
Contact Diamond Davis, Program Coordinator, at